5.1. Identification of competences, skills, talents and experience

What are my talents, competences, skills, experience, the level of self-esteem?

The aim – ddentification of personal talents, skills, experience, and diagnoses of the level of self-esteem.

1st Lt. Jasmine Paul, 341st Operations Support Squadron intercontinental ballistic missile combat crew instructor, displays her many different talents March 17, 2016, at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont. Paul utilizes her many skills to improve the world around her, including writing a memoir as a first generation American citizen and starting a nonprofit organization to benefit high school seniors searching for college education. (U.S. Air Force illustrative photo/Beaumont Wade and Senior Airman Jaeda Tookes)
1st Lt. Jasmine Paul, 341st Operations Support Squadron intercontinental ballistic missile combat crew instructor, displays her many different talents March 17, 2016, at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont. Paul utilizes her many skills to improve the world around her, including writing a memoir as a first generation American citizen and starting a nonprofit organization to benefit high school seniors searching for college education. (U.S. Air Force illustrative photo/Beaumont Wade and Senior Airman Jaeda Tookes)


Methods and Resources

  1. Interest Tests:

2. Self identification tests:

3. Communication strategy test:

  • http://www.nva.gov.lv/karjera/testi/lv/com_strategy/test/new_test/

4. Visit to Psychologist – if person is not willing to do tests  and analyses by himself

  • http://equal.sif.gov.lv/jauniesiem-4.htm
  • http://www.vitality.lv/lv/iveta_pletcere-muizniece/60

5. Career counsellor if person is not willing to do tests  and analyses by himself

6.Talent identification methods

  • prescription how to choose profession – http://www.r15vsk.edu.lv/Profesijas_izvele.htm
  • Diversity od skills – http://www.nadija.lv/attachments/322_Cilveeka%20speeju%20veidi.pdf
  • Guidbook for testing your health and functional possibilities – https://www.google.lv/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0ahUKEwiGkoXl96vWAhXpDpoKHfEMAKUQFghCMAM&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vdeavk.gov.lv%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F11%2F2013_Rokasgramata_FINAL.docx&usg=AFQjCNGmrWyHtdv3aMMy2vEI5pWECbQdFg